Brain Awareness Video Contest

Brain Awareness Week Prep and Planning

  • Published16 Mar 2020
  • Author Lynnie Fein-Schaffer
  • Source BrainFacts/SfN

This week marks the 25th anniversary of Brain Awareness Week (BAW) — a celebration to build public engagement and support for brain science. Groups and partners in 117 different countries will be participating during the week-long event through thousands of activities. Join in the fun of this global campaign by trying these activities.

Click the targets in the image to reveal interactive games, videos, and activities.

Learn more about the history of BAW from its official coordinator, the Dana Foundation. Share your events and activities and follow the conversation online using the hashtags #BrainWeekBrain, #BrainAwarenessWeek, and #BAW2020 on social media.



Brain Awareness Week

A worldwide celebration of the brain that brings together scientists, families, schools, and communities during the third week in March.

Join the Campaign

Brain Awareness Video Contest

Submit a short video about any neuroscience topic for a chance to win $4,000 and a trip to SfN's Annual Meeting!

Learn More

Educator Resources

Explain the brain to your students with a variety of teaching tools and resources.
